Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sanguinary Priests Power Sword Do Over- Airbrush

As a novice airbrush enthusiast, I look for every opportunity to pull out the Iwata Eclipse CS I bought last summer and play around.  When Ron of From the Warp  mentioned that stylistically the swords I had painted clashed with the grim-dark style of the Sanguinary Priests, I knew he was right.  The blending and color choices were clashing with the rest of the army and stood out a little too much.  These are the original images and the changes I made.

I find it fascinating that something as simple as altering a stylistic choice on a small portion of the model can make such a big difference in how it looks.  No longer does the sword pull the eye away from the model, but feels to be part of it without being uninteresting.


  1. Much, much better. Now they stand out but don't contrast so much as to take away from the model overall.
    Nice work.

    Ron, From the Warp

  2. Thank you Ron. I agree that it looks much better than it did before. I had always intended to airbrush the blades, but didn't have a painting station set up inside yet.

    I think I still could improve them by adding just a touch of white at the top tips and maybe a little yet on the edges, but other than that it's about as good as this airbrush novice is going to get!

  3. Wow! Huge difference between those two! I gotta admit that attempt #2 looks much, much better and doesn't attract near as much attention as the first ones. Well done! Looks very cool.

    1. Thank you junglesoflustria! The airbrush made this effect so much easier to accomplish.
