Thursday, January 23, 2014

Eldar Jetbike Custom Build, Part 2

Welcome back to SB40k.  Today I continue to document the project I began chronicling on Sunday, Eldar Jetbike Custom Build Part 1.  Today I'll be working on the upper half of the bike a bit more.

So after using part of the GW Eldar Jetbike front piece, I realized it was still too low for my standing models to be hidden/protected properly and it would need a raised area for the computer to sit.  To do this I took another Jetbike front piece and trimmed it to angle upward.  I also decided to add the back portion to help support my later green stuff efforts to build the side and rear walls.

To do this I took another Jetbike front piece and trimmed it to angle upward.  I also decided to add the back portion to help support my later green stuff efforts to build the side and rear walls.

At this point I began adding the green stuff, starting at the front and adding the sides of the vehicle.  I also used the putty to fill the area where the computer panel will later be placed.

Here we see a placement of a Warlock into the jetbike to ensure the size is appropriate.  I've also tested the other Warlock models to ensure they can stand in the round cockpit without problems later.  At this point I'm concerned it looks way too much like a shoe.  Beware my giant skimming footwear and their riders.

Here we can see the walls have been thickened and less of a round thin wall look is where I have decided to go design-wise.

Taking a break from adding to the upper portion of the vehicle, I've begun working on the underside.  Definition will be added at a later point, along with thrusters and weapons.

Here we have a look at the vehicle stacked together along with a Warlock inside.  I like how the vehicle is shaping up so far and I'm hoping as the project goes on I can do something interesting to help Eldar it up a bit.

Well, that's where I'm at right now.  I'm hoping to have another update this week where the computer panel is completed and the underside has some added details.

I hope you're enjoying the process so far and let me know what you would do differently.


  1. looking interesting, but are you sure it's going to fit in with the Eldar Aesthetic if it keeps going on this trend?

    I also was finally able to get my Jetlocks photographed and uploaded, had to borrow a friends camera to do it, as i couldn't get the photo's to download off of my phone. oh well, the camera takes a better pic anyways. :) let me know where i can send the links or if you would rather have them posted here.

    1. To be honest, I dunno if it will. It's still really, really rough and I'm currently in the process of removing a lot of the underside to make room for engine output and adding detail to the underside.

      I also plan to make fins in keeping with the style of the Wraithguard pieces to attach on either side of the rear of the bike. I know, it's hard to visualize, but for now I think it should still work. I also have some other detail ideas in mind which I'll attempt before I move on to the casting phase. This is a long process!

      You can either post them here for everyone to see (which would be fine, really!) or if you are more comfortable sharing privately I can be reached at brian.j. Either way works for me!

  2. i don't mind sharing, but i'm not sure what to type in with the link to make the images appear. instead i'll email them to you and let you decide if you want to post the images for everyone to view, after all it is your site, and the last thing i'd want to do is steal your thunder.

    1. Lol, I have no thunder, maybe a bit of a rumble :)

    2. Sorry, forgot to add, yes, feel free to send me the pics, I'll post them up on the site when i next update.
