Monday, May 7, 2012

Eldrad finished, next project lined up

Welcome back everyone to the increasingly inaccurately named Scratchbuilt 40k.  As I've been spending the last few weeks attempting to improve my painting and have a slew of models to paint, the scratch building tends to take a back seat to the other projects.  On to the show!

Here he is, Eldrad.  I've spend roughly 2 weeks painting this fella and for the most part I'm happy with the results.  I still need to do a matte varnish spray to seal him up and apply a gloss finish by brush to the bits that need it such as gems, but I think this slightly better than table top quality.  So, um, ta da!

Next on the docket is the mighty Warp Hunter vehicle I bought from Forge World.

Look at that monster!  I've actually had Eldrad done for 2 days and since then been looking at the vehicle to see what I can do to make this special.  Would it be too much if I went, again, with a phoenix to grace the hull?  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Very nice. I really like your work on Eldrad. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the Warp Hunter.


    1. Thanks Andy! I'm quite curious what I do with it as well.

  2. better late than never, but i really love the work you did on the staff and sword. consider this technique as stolen.

    as for the warp hunter, it's an anti tank craft, so how about having a representation of one of it's past kills displayed on it's hull? you could have it come flying out of a webway portal and demolishing a land raider with it's warp cannon.

    1. I always check my comments in the template area so I know when someone comments, even on older posts. I'm glad you like the technique, and really the end result I give credit to my wife who mentioned it was looking a little too bright, forcing me to try the green ink.

      That would certainly be an awesome way to decorate the vehicle! What I may do to expand on that a bit is to represent the warp hunter with a phoenix, firing away at a Land Raider. That certainly would keep with the Phoenix theme I have going so far, right?

  3. didn't realize you were going for a phoenix theme but, i'd say yes, your idea of the phoenix throwing a fireball at a landraider would work well. another idea along that line could be having the landraider with a mushroom cloud rolling off of it, and the phoenix in the cloud.

    1. That is an incredible idea! I just may have to convince my wife to draw me up some outlines as she's an actual artist, not a pretender like me :D

  4. here's some inspiration for your eventual nightspinner if you ever get one. this was converted before i found out the model is still available from forgeworld. -_-, but i console myself with the knowledge that i at least have one that is unique, and different, but still looks like a nightspinner.'te%20NightSpinner%20Conversion%20pic%201.JPG

    and this will take you to my photobucket where you can look at all the Eldar i have, and believe me i have a bunch.

    1. I really like the spider web pattern. Wow, some of those models are super old! I haven't seen a hexagon base in years!

  5. ah the hex base, I have no idea what that model is supposed to be, i think he's supposed to be a Storm Guardian, but i use him as a Striking Scorpion. eventually, I'll have to find an actual home for him and will probably place him into an Avenger squad as an Exarch.

    thanks for the compliment on the web design, i started with a black marker, then used boltgun metal, making sure to leave some of the black still visible, then went over the boltgun with mithril silver, doing the same thing leaving some of the boltgun. still don't have the Cystal Web Spider on it like i want as i haven't yet found a spider design that i like, or that is easily produced in paint.
